Friday, October 01, 2004


yesterday nv blog cos was doing pet project... was supposed to print out the report at hm... but cos they forgot to settle the appendix so i have to try to complete all... but end up not printing cos i dunno if they still got anything left...

well... here's the event for yesterday... was doing project after the pet lect... went to fc 4 to eat before tat... then went biz library to do the project... finished to editing and did the formatting... didn't manage to finish it... but got an hour break after the next lesson which is epi... the most boring lesson cos the lecturer is boring...

really cannot stand her lor... speak so softly... epi lessons supposed to be fun... but the lecturer teaching it is damn boring... teach also teach the wrong thing... now where got ppl wear pearls except for old fashion ppl? then pleated skirts are in fashion now she say not in fashion... teach us the wrong thing sia... then the video she got for us to watch is like from the 80s one lor... the ppl in the video so old fashion... but her lesson yesterday only took 1 hr... went to complete the formatting for pet at library...

after completing the formatting (which took about 15 min or so), we went to fc 6 find sp they all... end up saw ty and ly... so join them at the "secret place" as we call it... cos the rest of them all there le... was craping there... then end up making jq say ghost story... say all the way until palam's lesson at 3... her lesson was also short... only too an hour... then was crapping with her until bout 415 pm... went hm then went to bed... slept until 8 plus then woke up...

jasper called me when i'm bout to eat my dinner... wanted to see if he can borrow my basketball or not... but too bad he at wdl st 13 there while i live at wdl ave 5... chatted with him for a while... then he told me tat mon morning got nyaa award presentation and we r needed there... he say got loa de and is compulsory to go... tootz de lor... ppl take prize not me i still muz go... muz wear dark coloured formal wear somemore... go there waste time only...

well.... tat's all for yesterday...


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