Sunday, April 17, 2005


so happy today...

finally managed to get wat i wanted...

a new pair of shoes, new shirts... and a new skirt a few days ago...

hahahaha... quite guilty tat i spent so much...

hahahah... i think most ppl will get a shock if a say the price out... esp for the skirt...

hahaha... well... actually not a lot also la... the 2 shirts frm G2000 cost $59 together, the shoes frm U.R.S. inc costs $49.90 and the skirt frm mango costs $75...

but still... in total spent a LOT!! hahahah... add up is near $200...

but still... so happy cos the shoes is so nice... so are the shirts and skirt...


well... gtg...

tired shopper...


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